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ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è - Simple 12 Steps

ȸº¹ 5´Ü°è ÇнÀ (Step Five)

¿ì¸®ÀÇ À߸øµÈ »ç½ÇÀ» Çϳª´Ô, ¿ì¸® ÀÚ½Å, ±×¸®°í ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷¿¡°Ô ½ÃÀÎ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù
(Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being exact nature of our wrongs)

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(So far we have "admitted we have an illness." We have found and come to believe there is help for us. We have given up and decide to let our Higher Power run our lives. We have taken time out and done an inventory of just what type of person we had become due to our illness in the 4th Step)

ÀÌÁ¦ ¿ì¸®µéÀº Àç°íÁ¶»ç ³»¿ëµéÀ» °®°í ÀÖ°í ¹«¾ùÀΰ¡¸¦ ÇØ¾ß ÇÒ ½Ã°£ÀÌ´Ù. ¿ì¸®µéÀº ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è¿¡¼­ ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ À߸øµÈ Àç°íÁ¶»ç ³»¿ë ÀϺθ¦ Çϳª´Ô, ¿ì¸®ÀÚ½Å, ±×¸®°í ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷µé°ú ³ª´­ ¼ö ÀÖ¾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. ¿Ö ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ ±×·¸°Ô Çؾ߸¸ ÇÒ±î?

(We have our inventories and now it is time to do something with them. In Step 5, we are able to take the part of our inventory that has to do with our wrongs and share them with God, ourselves, and another person. Why?)

  • ¿Ö, ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ À߸øµéÀ» ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷¿¡°Ô ¸»ÇÏ°í ½Í¾îÇØ¾ß Çϳª?
    (Why would we want to tell anyone about our wrongs?)

  • Àç°íÁ¶»ç ³»¿ëµéÀ» ¶¥¿¡ ¹¯¾î¹ö¸®°Å³ª Å¿ö¹ö¸®Áö ¾Ê°í, ¿Ö 12´Ü°è ÇÁ·Î±×·¥´ë·Î ÇØ¾ß Çϳª?
    (Why does the 12 Step program have us do this instead of taking our inventories and burying them somewhere or burning them?)

  • ¿Ö, ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷µé¿¡°Ô ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ Áßµ¶ÀûÀÎ ¼º°ÝµéÀ» ¾Ë·Á ÁÖ¾î¾ß Çϳª?
    (Why do we have to let others know about our addictive personalities?)

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(We are to do this because it goes against everything that is addictive inside of us. As addicts, we kept all of this secret. Honesty, especially public honesty, was something we never took part in. But honestly stating who we truly are is a basic need all human beings have. By honestly talking about our personalities relating to the addiction of alcohol, drug, game, and gambling etc, we gain what the 12 Step program calls "Humility." Humility is the ability to see the world and ourselves as we truly are. Humility is a key to staying sober.)

ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è´Â ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ À߸øÇÑ °Íµé¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ ¸»À» ½ÃÀÛÇϵµ·Ï °í¾È µÇ¾îÀÖ´Ù. ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ À߸øÀ» Çϳª´Ô, ¿ì¸®ÀÚ½Å, ±×¸®°í ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷¿¡°Ô À̾߱â ÇÏ°í ³ª´©¸é¼­ºÎÅÍ À߸øµÈ »çÇ×µéÀº Á¡Â÷ ±× ÈûÀ» ÀÒ°Ô ¸¶·ÃÀÌ´Ù. ±×·¡¼­ ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è´Â ±×°£ Áßµ¶ÁõÀÌ ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ ³»ºÎ¿¡ ¸¸µé¾îÁØ ¼öÄ¡½ÉÀ¸·ÎºÎÅÍ ¸Ö¾îÁö°Ô ¸¸µé¾î ÁØ´Ù. ¼öÄ¡½ÉÀº ¾ÆÁÖ °­·ÂÇÑ ÈûÀ» °®°í ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ °¡Ä¡ÀǽĿ¡ À§¹èµÇ°í ¿ì¸® ÀÚ½ÅÀ̳ª ÁÖÀ§ »ç¶÷µé¿¡°Ô »óó¸¦ ÁÙ ¶§¿¡ ¿ì¸® ³»¸é¿¡ ÀϾ´Â °íÅ뽺·± °¨Á¤ ÀÌ´Ù.

(The 5th Step is designed to start us talking about our wrongs. As we talk and share our wrongs with God, ourselves, and someone else, they will have less power over us. The 5th Step is a way for us to get some distance from the shame that our addiction has created inside of us. Shame is a very powerful force. Shame is that painful feeling that rises up inside of us when we go against our values and hurt ourselves or someone else.)

¶ÇÇÑ È¸º¹ 5 ´Ü°è´Â ¿ì¸®µéÀ» °ÅÁþÀÚ¸¸½ÉÀ¸·ÎºÎÅÍ ÀÚÀ¯·Ó°Ô ÇØ ÁÙ °ÍÀÌ´Ù. ÀÌ·¸°Ô ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ 5 ´Ü°è¿¡¼­ ÇÇÇظ¦ ³¢Ä£ »ç¶÷µé¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ À̾߱âÇÏ°í À߸øµÈ ÀϵéÀ» ¹Ù·Î ÀâÀ¸·Á°í ³ë·ÂÇÒ ¶§¿¡ ÀÜ¿©´Ü°èµéÀ» À§Çؼ­µµ Áغñ½ÃÄÑ ÁØ´Ù. ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è¿Í ´Ù¸¥ ȸº¹´Ü°èµéÀ» ÅëÇؼ­ ¿ì¸®µéÀº ´Ù½Ã µµ´ö½ÉÀÌ ÀÖ´Â »ç¶÷ÀÌ µÉ °ÍÀÌ´Ù.

(The 5th Step will also help free us from our false pride. Step 5 prepares us for future Steps when we will have to talk to the people we've harmed and try to get things right. Through 5th Step and the other Steps, we become moral people again.)

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(By talking to other human being about the wrongs we have done during the period of our addiction problems, we are making firm our new conscience. We are telling someone else that we know these things were wrong. In the past, we pretended that we did no wrong. We pretended that we didn't know right from wrong. We blamed others for the ways we acted and refused to lay claim to our wrongs. The 5th Step says we are to admit to our wrongs)

ÀÌÁ¦ 5 ´Ü°è ³»¿ëÀ» 2 °¡Áö·Î ´õ ÀÚ¼¼È÷ »ìÆ캾½Ã´Ù!
(Let's now look at this Step into 2 more detail!)

1. Çϳª´Ô, ¿ì¸® ÀÚ½Å, ±×¸®°í ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷¿¡°Ô ½ÃÀÎ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù
(Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being...)

ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è´Â ¿©Å²¯ ´Ù¸¥ ¾î´À ȸº¹´Ü°èº¸´Ùµµ ´õ ¿ì¸®µéÀ» ¿ÜºÎ¿Í ¿¬°á½ÃÄÑ ÁØ´Ù. ¿ì¸®Àڽſ¡°Ô 12´Ü°è ȸº¹ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» Á¢Çϵµ·Ï ÇÏ°í, À§´ëÇÑ Èû²² ¿¬°áÇϸç, ¿ì¸® ÀڽŰú ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷¿¡°Ôµµ ¿¬°á½ÃÅ°´Â »õ·Î¿î Á¢ÃË´Ü°è ÀÌ´Ù.

(The 5th Step, more than any other Step so far, has us reaching outside of ourselves. We are to take our 12 Steps program outside of ourselves. We are to connect with our Higher Power. We are to connect with ourselves, and we are to connect with another human being. This is new element.)

ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è ÀÌÇàÀº ´ÜÁö ¿ì¸®ÀڽŰú À§´ëÇÑ Èû °£¿¡¸¸ ÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï´Ù. ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ È¸º¹ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» ÀÌÇàÇϱâ À§Çؼ­´Â ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷¿¡°Ô ¿ì¸®ÀÚ½ÅÀÇ Áßµ¶ÀûÀÎ ¼º°Ýµé¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­µµ À̾߱⸦ Çؾ߸¸, ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ Àº¹ÐÇÏ°í ¼öÄ¡½º·¯¿î ºñ¹ÐµéÀÌ ÇØ¼Ò µÉ °ÍÀÌ´Ù. ³» ¹®Á¦¸¦ ÀÌÇØÇÏ´Â »ç¶÷¸¸ÀÌ ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ ÃëÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ¼ö´Üµéµµ Àß ¾Ë °ÍÀ̱⠶§¹®ÀÌ´Ù.

(The 5th Step is not just between ourselves and our Higher Power. In order for us to work our recovery program, we have to talk to another person about our addictive personalities. Our private, often shameful, secrets will be out. Someone else will know just how mean we can get.)

  • ¿ì¸®µéÀº ºÎÁ¤Á÷, ºÐ³ë, ¿øÇÑ¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ ¸»À»ÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù
    (We will talk about our dishonesty, anger, and resentments)

  • ¶ÇÇÑ ¿ì¸®µéÀº ¾ó¸¶³ª µÎ·Á¿ü°í ÁúÅõÇßÀ¸¸ç ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷µé¿¡°Ô ºñÆòÀûÀ̾ú´Â°¡¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­µµ ¸»À» ÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù
    (We will also talk about how fearful we were and how jealous and how critical we were of others)

  • ¿ì¸®µéÀº °¡Á·µé¿¡°Ô ¾ó¸¶³ª »óó¸¦ ÁÖ¾ú´ÂÁöµµ ¸»ÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù
    (We are to tell about how we hurt our families)

  • ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ ¾à¹°À̳ª ±âŸ Áßµ¶¹®Á¦µé¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ °ú°¨ÇÏ°Ô À̾߱â ÇØÁØ »ç¶÷µé¿¡°Ô ºñ³­À» ÆۺξúÀ» ¶§¿¡ ±×µéÀÌ º¸¿´´ø ¾ó±¼Ç¥Á¤µéÀ» ±â¼úÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù
    (We are to describe the looks on their faces as we yelled at them for daring to tell us we had a drugging or other addictive problems)

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(For the first time in our lives, we are to be totally honest with another person)

ȸº¹ 5´Ü°è´Â ±× ÀÌÇàÀÌ ½±Áö ¾Ê±â ¶§¹®¿¡ ¼­µÑ·¯¼­ ÇÏ´Â ´Ü°è°¡ ¾Æ´Ï´Ù. ¿ì¸®µé ´ëºÎºÐ¿¡°Ô´Â ¸ðµÎ¸¦ ¸»ÇÏ°í ½Í°í ¸ðµç °ÍÀ» °ø°³ÇÏ°í ½Í¾îÁú ¶§°¡ ¿Ã °ÍÀÌ´Ù. Áï, ¿ì¸®µéÀº °ú°Å Áßµ¶ »î°ú °íÅ뽺·± ±â¾ïµé·ÎºÎÅÍ ÀÚÀ¯·Î¿öÁö°í ½Í¾îÁø´Ù.

(Because this is not easy task, it is not a Step to rush into. For most of us, there will come a time when we want to tell all and have everything out in the open. We want to be free of our past lives and all of our painful memories.)

À̵û±Ý ¿ì¸®µéÀº ºñ¹Ð¸®¿¡ ȸº¹ 5´Ü°è°¡ ¿ì¸®µé¿¡°Ô ÁÙ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â À§¾ÈÀ» ¹Ù¶óÁö ¾Ê°í, ´ë½Å °ú°Å ÇàÀ§¿¡ ´ëÇØ ¿ì¸® ½º½º·Î¸¦ Á¤ÁËÇÏ°í ½Í¾î Çϱ⵵ ÇÑ´Ù. ¿ì¸®ÀÚ½ÅÀ» ÀÏ¹Ý »ç¶÷°ú´Â ´Ù¸£°í ³ª»Û »ç¶÷À¸·Î º¸±âµµ ÇÑ´Ù. ¸¸¾à ´ç½ÅÀÌ ÀÌ·± °æ¿ì¶ó¸é, ¹Ù·Î ´ÙÀ½°ú °°ÀÌ È¸º¹ 5 ´Ü°è¸¦ ÀÌÇàÇؼ­, 5 ´Ü°è¿¡¼­ ¹ÞÀ» ¼ö Àִ ȸº¹À§¾ÈÀ» ´©·Á¶ó.

(Sometimes, we secretly don't want the relief Step 5 can bring. We want to punish ourselves for our past behavior. We want to see ourselves as different and bad people. If this is the case with you, then do a 5th Step now like the following. You deserve the relief.)

  • ù°, ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è¿¡¼­ ¡°¿ì¸®µéÀº À§´ëÇÑ Èû°ú ³ª´©¾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù." ±×³É ÁÖÀ§ »ç¶÷µé¿¡°Ô ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ À߸øÇÑ »çÇ×µéÀ» ¸ðµÎ ¸»ÇÏ´Â °Í°ú °°ÀÌ À§´ëÇÑ Èû²² À̾߱â ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù. ¿ì¸®µéÀº ¸¶Ä¡ Ä£±¸Ã³·³ À§´ëÇÑ Èû°ú ¡°°¡±î¿î °ü°è¡±°¡ µÉ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù´Â »ý°¢À» ÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. Çϳª´Ô¿¡°Ô ±¸¾Ö¹ÞÁö ¾Ê°í ±âµµ¸¦ Çϰųª ¸»À» ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù. ¿ì¸®µéÀº Çϳª´ÔÀÇ µ¹º¸½ÉÀ» ÅëÇؼ­¸¸ ±×°£ À߸ø ÇൿÇß´ø Àϵé°ú Áßµ¶±â°£¿¡ ÃëÇß´ø ŵµµé¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ ¿ì¸® ÀÚ½ÅÀ» ¿ë¼­ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ¹æ¹ýÀ» ãÀ» ¼ö ÀÖ°Ô µÉ °ÍÀÌ´Ù.

    (First, "we share with our Higher Power" in Step 5. We talk to our Higher Power as we would anyone else, telling of all the things we have done wrong. We see our Higher Power as a Power we can have "a close relationship with," as friend. We can pray or talk to God. It doesn't matter. Through the care of God, we will come to find a way to forgive ourselves for the ways we acted and the attitudes we developed during our addiction.)

  • µÑ°·Î, ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ À߸ø¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ ¡°¿ì¸®ÀڽŰú ³ª´²¾ß ÇÑ´Ù.¡± ¿ì¸® ÀÚ½ÅÀ¸·Î ÇÏ¿©±Ý ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ ÇൿÇß´ø »çÇ×µéÀ» º¸°í ´À³¢µµ·Ï Çؾ߸¸ ÇÑ´Ù. ±×·¡¾ß ¿ì¸®µéÀÇ ¾ç½ÉÀ» °³¹ßÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ¾î, ¿ì¸® ³»ºÎ¿¡¼­ ¿Ç°í ±×¸©µÈ °¨°¢À» ¹ßÀü½ÃÅ°°Ô µÈ´Ù. ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ ´õ¿í ¾ç½ÉÀûÀ¸·Î ¿ì¸®ÀÇ »îÀ» »ì¾Æ°¡°Ô ÇÒ¼ö·Ï ¿ì¸®µé¿¡°Ô´Â ´õ ´õ¿í À§¾ÈÀ» °¡Á®´Ù ÁÙ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.

    (Second, "we share with ourselves" about our wrongs. We are to let ourselves see and have feeling about the ways we acted. This is the way we develop a conscience. We develop a sense right and wrong within ourselves. The more we let our conscious direct our lives, the more it can bring us comfort.)

    ¶ÇÇÑ ¿ì¸® ÀڽŰú ³ª´­ ¶§¿¡ ÀÚÁ¸½É(Self-respect)µµ ÇнÀÇÏ°Ô µÇ¾î¼­, ¿ì¸® ÀÚ½ÅÀÇ ÀϺθ¦ ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ ¹Ï°í ÀÖ´Â °¡Ä¡Àǽİú °ü°è¼ºÀ» ¼ö¸³Çϵµ·Ï ¸¸µç´Ù. ÀÌ·¸°Ô ¿ì¸®µéÀº ȸº¹ 5 ´Ü°è¿¡¼­ °³ÀÎÀûÀÎ °¡Ä¡ÀǽÄÀ» ±ÔÁ¤ÇÏ°í ÀÚÁ¸½ÉÀ» ³ôÀÌ´Â ÀÏÀ» ½ÃÀÛ ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù. µû¶ó¼­ ¿ì¸®µéÀÌ È¸º¹ 5 ´Ü°è¸¦ ÀÌÇàÇϸ鼭ºÎÅÍ´Â ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷µéÀ» Àß ´ëÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ¡°½Å³ä°ú °¡Ä¡Àǽġ±À» Áö´Ï°Ô µÇ´Â ÀÚ½ÅÀ» ¹ß°ßÇÏ°Ô µÉ °ÍÀÌ´Ù.

    (We are also learning about self-respect in sharing with ourselves. We are building a relationship with the part of us that has values we believe in. In the 5th Step, we can start to define our personal values and thus gain self-respect. As we work the 5th Step, we will find that we do have "beliefs and values" about we should treat others.)

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    (The pain we feel as we work this Step is partly from gaining information about what we believe is important. So if we find ourselves shedding a tear or two as we talk to ourselves, we need to see this as self-knowledge about what we believe to be wrong. They are tears of conscious. We are healing.)

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    (Third, "we share our wrongs with another human being," which is most likely the hardest. This is hard. We are to tell all to another person. Because of this, we need to choose this person carefully. It needs to someone we trust. We need to trust that person will not tell others what we have shared with him or her. It can be anyone we trust, who willing to hear our 5th Step. Many people choose a sponsor or a clergy person to hear their 5th Step. They have had special experiencing and training in hearing our 5th Step.)

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(Because we led our secret life, we need to finally have someone hear it all. We also need to hear ourselves tell someone all we can remember. Alcoholic Anonymous also tells us what we are to do after telling someone our 5th Step. It says, "returning home we find a place where we can be quite for an hour, carefully reviewing what we have done. We thank God from the bottom of our heart what we know Him better. we ask if we have omitted anything, for we are building an arch through which we shall walk a free person at last.")

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(The arch is made up of our Higher Power, ourselves, and others. At last, we will again have the skills to form relationships that work. We can leave all the shame behind. We get all this by our sharing. Then, what do we share?)

2. ¿ì¸®ÀÇ À߸øµÈ »ç½ÇÀ»
(...the ext nature of our wrongs)

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(The 5th Step is very clear. We are to share exactly "what is it we did wrong" and "why it was wrong." We don't share a general statement like, "I was selfish during drinking, drugging, gambling, or gaming." We share exactly how we were selfish, such as, "I stole money from my spouse, or parents so I could go out drink, drug, gamble, or game." We don't beat around the bush. We don't make excuses. We just share the exact nature of our wrongs.)

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(We do this to help ensure that we will not use or do again. We don't want any secrets sitting around that we can feel guilty and shameful about. We also do it because it is humbling and we need all the humility we can get. Humility is a building block to sobriety)

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(Often, the type of wrongs we may want to hold back from sharing in our 5th Step are the very things we feel the worst and most shameful about. It is these wrongs that are most likely to get us to use substances or do addictive behaviors again. The wrongs that we don't want anyone to know about have a habit of popping up at the times we feel most like doing or using. Thus, it is very important that we tell all in our 5th Step)

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(We need to keep in mind that we are fighting for our lives - life or death. We can't risk our lives to protect any part of our using or doing history. We have much to do in our new recovery lives and we need to get rid of all the garbage from the past. Hopefully, we will feel lighter and freer after doing a 5th Step.)

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(Let's now move on to Step 6 for help in removing "our defects of character!")

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Simple Working The 12 Steps Àοë
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